Silanov: Kept warm for shopping
Silanov: Snowy palace
Silanov: Bavarian delicacies
Silanov: Inviting historic city
Silanov: One steeple appearing
Silanov: Sunny afternoon
Silanov: Green little town
Silanov: Home to brewing monks
Silanov: Wearing the stones
Silanov: The eye of a landscape
Silanov: Arches and saints
Silanov: Fresh amber nectar
Silanov: Silence before the storm
Silanov: Ominous clouds at five o'clock
Silanov: Departure for a short ride
Silanov: Two towers in the evening
Silanov: Winter wonderland
Silanov: Christmas paradise
Silanov: Ducal domicile
Silanov: Protective function
Silanov: Decorated square
Silanov: Aiming at the "jack"
Silanov: Grimly looking doorman
Silanov: Key moment
Silanov: An unequal fight
Silanov: Rusty lurker
Silanov: Poisoned banana
Silanov: River under control
Silanov: Invulnerable location
Silanov: Brew for the masses