Silanov: Kiev's main place
Silanov: Waiting for customers
Silanov: Temporarily closed for traffic
Silanov: Soviet architecture
Silanov: Salesladies having a break
Silanov: Soviet metro style
Silanov: Thunderclouds coming in
Silanov: Defending the native soil
Silanov: Monastery versus tower blocks
Silanov: Centre of orthodox belief
Silanov: Between mountains of meat
Silanov: Fresh from the kitchen garden
Silanov: Icons for daily use
Silanov: Chiming for prayer
Silanov: Glimpse of splendour
Silanov: Five crosses in the sky
Silanov: Churchly observation
Silanov: Cossack hero
Silanov: Golden-domed cathedral
Silanov: Meeting of saints
Silanov: Impressing opulence
Silanov: Golden spires
Silanov: Landscape from olden times
Silanov: Dependend on crutches
Silanov: Knock on wood
Silanov: Gathering of windmills
Silanov: Subway entry area
Silanov: Below ground level
Silanov: Splendid style
Silanov: Gorgeous orthodox gem