Silanov: Habitation of dukes
Silanov: Family getaway
Silanov: Brought to shape
Silanov: Home of "The Duchess"
Silanov: English garden dreams
Silanov: Overgrown pond
Silanov: Dinner is served
Silanov: Widely read aristocracy
Silanov: Welcome to Brideshead
Silanov: Affluent fountain
Silanov: Duck's paradise
Silanov: The table is laid
Silanov: Gambling hall
Silanov: Dominating the city
Silanov: Time for a rest
Silanov: Elegant stately home
Silanov: The towers are watching
Silanov: Protective gate
Silanov: Having her hair dyed
Silanov: Greatly welcoming
Silanov: Wuthering heights
Silanov: Bronte country
Silanov: Tiny bridge house
Silanov: Course of a stream
Silanov: Grey and quaint
Silanov: Stony village
Silanov: Let's go sailing
Silanov: The perfect day for a boat trip
Silanov: Sunny intermezzo
Silanov: A well-chosen lot for a castle