P&KC Archive: Spotting table with woman
P&KC Archive: Spotting tables 1935
P&KC Archive: Aircraft parts department 1939
P&KC Archive: Ninety gallon drop tank noses 1944
P&KC Archive: Aeroplane engine pipes [1916?]
P&KC Archive: Aircraft parts, nd
P&KC Archive: Aircraft tails, nd
P&KC Archive: Oval dyeing machine, 1927
P&KC Archive: Oval dyeing machine, nd
P&KC Archive: Dust wheel, nd
P&KC Archive: Dust wheel, 1925
P&KC Archive: Man working at carpet frame machine, nd
P&KC Archive: Rope wringer, nd
P&KC Archive: Two small oval dye vats,nd
P&KC Archive: Oval tubs, nd
P&KC Archive: Plan of oval tub, nd
P&KC Archive: Octagonal dye vat, 1927
P&KC Archive: Untitled
P&KC Archive: Untitled
P&KC Archive: New benzine washing machine,1931
P&KC Archive: Alpine washer, nd
P&KC Archive: Wood roll cages, nd
P&KC Archive: Drying horses, nd
P&KC Archive: Heater fan sketch, nd
P&KC Archive: Unknown group, nd
P&KC Archive: Factory, nd
P&KC Archive: Picnic group, nd
P&KC Archive: Cars, nd
P&KC Archive: Perthshire laundry,nd
P&KC Archive: Motor cycle group,nd