Pavel K: New York...Rainy
Pavel K: Friday's Cafe on Trinity Place in New York
Pavel K: Klitschko vs. Ibragimov
Pavel K: Sky of New York
Pavel K: New York ... rainy
Pavel K: Time Square
Pavel K: Downtown
Pavel K: Downtown
Pavel K: Rainy... New York... 5th Avenue...
Pavel K: A dancer
Pavel K: 1-866-GUN-STOP (Democracy...Oder...or Big Brother Mentality?)
Pavel K: rain
Pavel K: This is New York
Pavel K: A Faraway Kingdom of Icecreamy Abundance
Pavel K: New York. 5th Avenue Reflections.
Pavel K: Sent Patrick and Samson
Pavel K: Time Square Reflections
Pavel K: Time Square
Pavel K: Backyard of Time Square
Pavel K: Chicago Ads on Brodway
Pavel K: Time Square Reflections
Pavel K: 5th Avenue
Pavel K: 5th Avenue. Shop Window 3
Pavel K: 5th Avenue. Shop Window 2
Pavel K: 5th Avenue. Shop Window 1
Pavel K: New York. 5th Avenue Reflections.
Pavel K: New York... Park Avenue Ecology...
Pavel K: Perspectives of New York
Pavel K: A sleepy look from an inn pillow (New York at Night)
Pavel K: Nice Legs of 5th Avenue (ножки Пятой авеню)