pjsixft ("PJ"):
New snow storm
pjsixft ("PJ"):
pjsixft ("PJ"):
On my way to see a hospice patient~
pjsixft ("PJ"):
Snow on the foothills of Montana
pjsixft ("PJ"):
My Front Yard~
pjsixft ("PJ"):
Winter is here....
pjsixft ("PJ"):
Out my living room window
pjsixft ("PJ"):
Next morning...
pjsixft ("PJ"):
Then the snow starts
pjsixft ("PJ"):
My new kitty is cold
pjsixft ("PJ"):
Birds hit the feeders
pjsixft ("PJ"):
First Winter Storm brewing~
pjsixft ("PJ"):
First Winter Storm brewing~
pjsixft ("PJ"):
"Night Light"
pjsixft ("PJ"):
Holiday View
pjsixft ("PJ"):
pjsixft ("PJ"):
Hope MakethNotAshamed