pjsixft ("PJ"):
Leavenworth Washington
pjsixft ("PJ"):
Art in the Park
pjsixft ("PJ"):
Buggy rides
pjsixft ("PJ"):
pjsixft ("PJ"):
Betty Boop sells water
pjsixft ("PJ"):
looks like a two headed dog...
pjsixft ("PJ"):
In her own world with her own bottle of water
pjsixft ("PJ"):
music for the tourist
pjsixft ("PJ"):
best seats in the house
pjsixft ("PJ"):
Just plain unhappy!
pjsixft ("PJ"):
he wants his mamacita
pjsixft ("PJ"):
Spiderman resists a smile for the camera lady
pjsixft ("PJ"):
"here, take your dog, sis says"
pjsixft ("PJ"):
boy with his dog
pjsixft ("PJ"):
He wanted his picture taken
pjsixft ("PJ"):
trying to clean off his mouth
pjsixft ("PJ"):
pjsixft ("PJ"):
I gotta get down from here!