PJMixer: Northern Lights over Remi Lake in Northern Ontario - phase 2 with a star field and Ouellette Bay
PJMixer: Northern Lights over Remi Lake in Northern Ontario - phase 2 with a star field
PJMixer: Northern Lights over Remi Lake in Northern Ontario - phase 1 with a satellite trail
PJMixer: The warm August evening glow of Mon Repos
PJMixer: Cottage scooter and sidecar drive-by
PJMixer: A goodbye to Lac Remi for now
PJMixer: Sunset leaves behind splashes of colour for the clouds at Lake Remi
PJMixer: Crystal ball sees the ATV zoom by
PJMixer: Beach duo on a Northern evening sky
PJMixer: DSCF5556.jpg
PJMixer: Northern Ontarion landscape, Remi Lake
PJMixer: Glittering lake and sunrise buoy
PJMixer: Early morning cast at Lac Remi
PJMixer: Remi chalet - #265/365
PJMixer: Contemplating Remi Lake - #263/365
PJMixer: Remi Fog
PJMixer: Remi dip
PJMixer: The Big Dock