PJMixer: Relfection of us waiting for reflections and more
PJMixer: "Phalli's Field" and the photographers
PJMixer: Waiting for obliteration
PJMixer: "Aftermath of Obliteration of Eternity, 2009" and the shadows of ourselves
PJMixer: "Dots Obsession—Love Transformed into Dots" - very pink and they love it
PJMixer: "Love Forever" and me
PJMixer: "Love Forever" and us
PJMixer: "Dots Obsession XZQBA, 2007" by Yayoi Kusama
PJMixer: "The Souls of Millions of Light Years Away, 2013" with smiles and wonder
PJMixer: Kusama sculpture #3 with "Pleasure to be Born" as the background
PJMixer: Kusama sculpture #8 with "Story After Death" as the background
PJMixer: "My Heart's Abode" thru Kusama sculpture #4
PJMixer: Kusama sculpture #3 up close