payal.jhaveri: first time at the monument
payal.jhaveri: our swanky shuttle bus
payal.jhaveri: the mall starting to fill up
payal.jhaveri: crowd shot - filled up
payal.jhaveri: sasha and malia!
payal.jhaveri: Barack!
payal.jhaveri: at the end of the concert
payal.jhaveri: Inauguration Morning, Springfield Metro
payal.jhaveri: Waiting to get into the station
payal.jhaveri: we'll make it! the double thumbs up guarantees it
payal.jhaveri: walked across the Memorial Bridge
payal.jhaveri: over the frozen Potomac
payal.jhaveri: towards the Monument grounds
payal.jhaveri: look at all these people!
payal.jhaveri: this is as close as we could get
payal.jhaveri: The man is comfortable in front of the camera
payal.jhaveri: because i couldn't help myself
payal.jhaveri: Gerard Butler!
payal.jhaveri: porta-potties as far as the eye can see
payal.jhaveri: trudging back to virginia
payal.jhaveri: over the roosevelt bridge
payal.jhaveri: celebratory pizza at Piola and CNN watching
payal.jhaveri: celebratory apple cider and fries at Food for Thought
payal.jhaveri: Inauguration Aftermath
payal.jhaveri: newman's using the internet to help us escape the police state
payal.jhaveri: making a break for it