payal.jhaveri: Krispy Kreme
payal.jhaveri: Something's going down over there...
payal.jhaveri: Police Activity in Dupont Circle
payal.jhaveri: Take our picture with the police cars!
payal.jhaveri: Zoomed in.
payal.jhaveri: Waiting for the bomb sniffing dogs
payal.jhaveri: Dupont Circle, Cordoned off...
payal.jhaveri: Who just forgets a SUITCASE??
payal.jhaveri: Bomb scares require sustenence in the form of donuts
payal.jhaveri: Bomb squad dude
payal.jhaveri: Yay! We didn't blow up!
payal.jhaveri: First waffle, not up to Gail's standards of roundness.
payal.jhaveri: MMMM, Mimosas!
payal.jhaveri: Jackie, post-mimosas
payal.jhaveri: Waffles with Vanilla Ice Cream
payal.jhaveri: mimosas + waffles + magazines
payal.jhaveri: Group picture!
payal.jhaveri: Jason just read the sign.
payal.jhaveri: Beemer's got something to say