Hafizan Harun | pjey56: i'm in another world
Hafizan Harun | pjey56: i try to hold u...
Hafizan Harun | pjey56: right here besides the shore
Hafizan Harun | pjey56: whenever u need me, know that i am with u...
Hafizan Harun | pjey56: u wipe another half of me...
Hafizan Harun | pjey56: ~colourless princess~
Hafizan Harun | pjey56: tinggal kenangan
Hafizan Harun | pjey56: Do u hear me?
Hafizan Harun | pjey56: broken again? #2
Hafizan Harun | pjey56: broken again?#1
Hafizan Harun | pjey56: caught in the middle of nowhere
Hafizan Harun | pjey56: bulan nisfu ramadhan#1
Hafizan Harun | pjey56: hold my hand again...