pjern: Board in Wall
pjern: PJP 2007-09-18 011843
pjern: Glass and light
pjern: How I feel sometimes
pjern: Hallesches Tor U-bahn Station
pjern: Royal City Theater, Berlin 1978
pjern: Girl reading on the Rindermarkt
pjern: Blowing Glass
pjern: Happy Trails
pjern: Shadow doorway.
pjern: Berlin Canal
pjern: The path not taken
pjern: Bad Tuckpointing.
pjern: Persimmon Corner
pjern: Gazebo Skylight
pjern: Apples and Grapes and Pineapples, Oh My!
pjern: Still Life #2
pjern: Still Life #3
pjern: Ceci est une pipe
pjern: Couple on beach with dog
pjern: Three ladies Unpainted
pjern: Three ladies painted
pjern: Polyominoes
pjern: I see a pattern here
pjern: Nash 1946
pjern: AskBan
pjern: MetaBan
pjern: TheBlueBan
pjern: The Mommy
pjern: This is Art.