PJDphotos: White Tern chick - only a few days old
PJDphotos: White Tern
PJDphotos: Pacific Golden Plover
PJDphotos: Masked Booby and hungry chick
PJDphotos: And this is how you get a boat into the water
PJDphotos: Kingston New Gaol
PJDphotos: Slender-billed White-eye - bit more yellow than our silvereyes
PJDphotos: Red-tailed Tropicbird - sitting on a fluffy chick
PJDphotos: Looking towards Murders Mound in the cemetery
PJDphotos: Ruddy Turnstone
PJDphotos: Norfolk Island Green Parrot or Norfolk Parakeet
PJDphotos: Moreton Bay Figtrees, Norfolk Island