pjchmiel: Honee Bear Canning
pjchmiel: Lawton Ballpark Fountain and Sandbox
pjchmiel: Lawton Ballpark Fountain and Sandbox
pjchmiel: Lions Club Logo
pjchmiel: Peeling Vinyl, Welch's Sign
pjchmiel: Welcome to the Sparky Tournament
pjchmiel: Kevin Kinney, Coach's Brother
pjchmiel: Past Sparky Hackenberg Tournament T-Shirts
pjchmiel: Ballpark Dedication
pjchmiel: Ballpark Dedication
pjchmiel: Ballpark Dedication
pjchmiel: Wimpy's Homerun Sign
pjchmiel: View from Outfield
pjchmiel: Crowd at Dedication
pjchmiel: Crowd at Dedication
pjchmiel: Lawton Ballpark, Same as My Childhood
pjchmiel: Lawton Ballpark, Same as My Childhood
pjchmiel: Lawton Ballpark, Same as My Childhood
pjchmiel: Lawton Ballpark, Same as My Childhood
pjchmiel: Lawton Ballpark, Same as My Childhood
pjchmiel: Crowd at the Dedication
pjchmiel: Crowd at the Dedication
pjchmiel: Crowd at the Dedication
pjchmiel: Judge Paul Hamre Speaks about My Grandpa
pjchmiel: More Onlookers
pjchmiel: Dedication of the Ballpark to my Grandfather
pjchmiel: Dedication of the Ballpark to my Grandfather
pjchmiel: Dedication of the Ballpark to my Grandfather
pjchmiel: Dedication of the Ballpark to my Grandfather
pjchmiel: Russ Hackenberg Field Dedication