piyushthacker: Little Beauty
piyushthacker: Butterfly
piyushthacker: Butterfly Season
piyushthacker: Holding Tight
piyushthacker: Tasty Nectar
piyushthacker: The Showstopper
piyushthacker: Butterfly
piyushthacker: Tawny flat on flower
piyushthacker: Torn wings
piyushthacker: Baronet walking on stones
piyushthacker: Butterfly
piyushthacker: Butterfly Magic
piyushthacker: Baronet on stones
piyushthacker: Butterfly
piyushthacker: Butterfly
piyushthacker: That must be a sweet treat!
piyushthacker: Amazing Balance
piyushthacker: Relaxing
piyushthacker: Busy Butterfly
piyushthacker: Woooops!!
piyushthacker: Perfect Spread
piyushthacker: Translucent Wings
piyushthacker: Visitor
piyushthacker: Just like the butterfly, I, too will awaken in my own time.