pixysnappypants: yes, you read that right... BOOGER MONSTER ice cream. we have to get creative with it here because it's ingested so much
pixysnappypants: ice cream. BOOGER MONSTER ice cream. SO good. and refreshing
pixysnappypants: even the cow knows it's hot. - the one moment little sprogs weren't crawling all over it.
pixysnappypants: food from a truck. that's right, it says chicken and waffles. delish!
pixysnappypants: mmmm... iced tea. and not TOO sweet, just perfect for cooling off
pixysnappypants: it was 102 degrees and the sky just opened up and this happened
pixysnappypants: post-storm breakthrough
pixysnappypants: post-storm breakthrough
pixysnappypants: post-yoga chillaxin'
pixysnappypants: crepe myrtle?
pixysnappypants: crepe myrtle?
pixysnappypants: the devil's beating his wife