pixy led: side view from deck
pixy led: View from deck
pixy led: Master bedroom - old floors
pixy led: Master bath
pixy led: Guest bath
pixy led: Entryway
pixy led: Middle bedroom (computer room)
pixy led: Living room - old floors
pixy led: Master bedroom - old floors
pixy led: Front bedroom
pixy led: View of front yard
pixy led: Back yard, left side
pixy led: Front of house.
pixy led: New floors - living room
pixy led: Wait til you see what I'm gonna do to that chandelier
pixy led: Cupboards, cupboards, and more cupboards!
pixy led: Oooh dishwasher!!!
pixy led: Matt surveys the backyard
pixy led: From the backyard
pixy led: More views of the world's ugliest gate
pixy led: The world's ugliest gate
pixy led: Um, yeah. These will have to go.
pixy led: The world's ugliest gate
pixy led: Beautiful table crafted by Rodney Griffin
pixy led: Beautiful table crafted by Rodney Griffin
pixy led: Beautiful table crafted by Rodney Griffin
pixy led: Beautiful table crafted by Rodney Griffin
pixy led: Beautiful table crafted by Rodney Griffin
pixy led: IMG_0267
pixy led: IMG_0269