pixy led: Gingerbread
pixy led: Gingerbread and gifts
pixy led: Ready for the tacky Christmas party
pixy led: Ready for the tacky Christmas party
pixy led: IMG_3231
pixy led: IMG_3232
pixy led: IMG_3234
pixy led: IMG_3235
pixy led: Colorful characters
pixy led: Men in tacky
pixy led: Kitty love!
pixy led: IMG_3239
pixy led: IMG_3240
pixy led: Unplanned synchronized outfits
pixy led: Tada!
pixy led: Tacky headgear
pixy led: Rodney knows tacky
pixy led: corn dog nuggets, wrapped in bacon, smothered in mustard and cheese wiz
pixy led: IMG_3247
pixy led: Tacky ChicoCrew
pixy led: Tacky ChicoCrew
pixy led: IMG_3250
pixy led: IMG_3251
pixy led: The tackiest couple
pixy led: The tackiest couple
pixy led: The tackiest couple
pixy led: Tacky Matt
pixy led: IMG_3256
pixy led: Surprise!
pixy led: IMG_3258