pixy led: Say cheese!
pixy led: Dork time!
pixy led: Fort Point and the Golden Gate Bridge on a perfect day
pixy led: IMG_2516
pixy led: IMG_2517
pixy led: I forget sometimes how beautiful it is
pixy led: Beautiful day on the bay
pixy led: We're going up there!
pixy led: SF bay, towards Fort Point
pixy led: IMG_2523
pixy led: Powder kegs, Fort Point SF
pixy led: IMG_2528
pixy led: IMG_2529
pixy led: IMG_2531
pixy led: Arches, Fort Point SF
pixy led: Orderly
pixy led: IMG_2537
pixy led: View from inside Fort Point
pixy led: Perspective
pixy led: IMG_2539
pixy led: If only I knew how to frame a photo...
pixy led: Side view of Matt, Fort Point, San Francisco
pixy led: IMG_2542
pixy led: Under the bridge
pixy led: Under the bridge
pixy led: Metal nipple
pixy led: Fort Point, San Francisco
pixy led: Beautiful light
pixy led: With Moira at work
pixy led: With Moira at work