pixy led: skyline stitched view
pixy led: IMG_0482
pixy led: IMG_0483
pixy led: Shelf fungus on the Huckleberry trail - Oakland
pixy led: Musharoomy-room
pixy led: IMG_0487
pixy led: IMG_0488
pixy led: Busy bee on tiny blossom
pixy led: Manzanita shining
pixy led: Twisted
pixy led: Geometric rocks
pixy led: Texting while hiking
pixy led: IMG_0495
pixy led: IMG_0496
pixy led: Wild purple iris
pixy led: IMG_0498
pixy led: Patch of wild iris
pixy led: Glorious!
pixy led: Shadows and light
pixy led: IMG_0502
pixy led: IMG_0503
pixy led: IMG_0504
pixy led: Forget Me Nots
pixy led: IMG_0507
pixy led: A river of forget me nots
pixy led: A river of forget me nots
pixy led: IMG_0510
pixy led: Fairy meadow
pixy led: A lone columbine
pixy led: IMG_0515