pixy led: Almost time!
pixy led: Getting ready...
pixy led: Feigning nonchalance
pixy led: Nope, no pillows here. Just hangin out.
pixy led: IMG_0348
pixy led: My pals, waiting for the clock to strike 6
pixy led: IMG_0350
pixy led: IMG_0351
pixy led: 6:00 p.m. let the games begin!
pixy led: First strike
pixy led: First strike
pixy led: IMG_0356
pixy led: Swingin'
pixy led: Action shot!
pixy led: Get 'em!
pixy led: Pillows flailing in the plaza
pixy led: Oops, some spilled on the ground
pixy led: Oops, some spilled on the ground
pixy led: IMG_0365
pixy led: Pillow thugs
pixy led: Cutie pie with feathers in curlz
pixy led: Curly do's got it the worst
pixy led: 9:45 p.m. 2/14/08 Justin Herman plaza
pixy led: Pillow corpses floating in the fountain
pixy led: Is it snow?
pixy led: 3" deep - the aftermath
pixy led: Trail of feathers
pixy led: Post-melee ride home on BART