Pix Picks: Too cute to be true
Pix Picks: Mr Cranky
Pix Picks: Alpha Male
Pix Picks: That can't be comfortable
Pix Picks: Fatty Bon-Bons - 1
Pix Picks: Two grey Js
Pix Picks: Fat Boy Squeak - 1
Pix Picks: Mr. Schnorr - 1
Pix Picks: The H. Pint Experience - Cat Power
Pix Picks: Sabre, our Bermuda cat with the sticky-out tongue
Pix Picks: The Plump Princess - 1
Pix Picks: The H. Pint Experience - 1
Pix Picks: Fat Boy Squeak, again
Pix Picks: Mr Schnorr - Feed Me Now!
Pix Picks: The H. Pint Experience - the technology geek
Pix Picks: A scary moment
Pix Picks: The Plump Princess - 2
Pix Picks: The H. Pint Experience - Mr. Mucky Eyes
Pix Picks: The plump princess, en repose
Pix Picks: Sabre the friendly feral cat
Pix Picks: The H. Pint Experience - Who, me? No, I didn't start the fight with Pipsqueak!
Pix Picks: The H. Pint Experience - Cat on a Hot Twin Bed
Pix Picks: The H. Pint Experience - Playing up to the camera
Pix Picks: In the catbox seat - 1
Pix Picks: In the catbox seat - 2
Pix Picks: In the catbox seat - 3
Pix Picks: Cat, with radioactive eyes
Pix Picks: In the catbox seat - 4
Pix Picks: In the catbox seat - 5
Pix Picks: In the catbox seat - 6