Mr Exploding: Main Entrance
Mr Exploding: The Anglia in the foyer
Mr Exploding: The Anglia in the foyer
Mr Exploding: The cupboard under the stairs
Mr Exploding: The cupboard under the stairs
Mr Exploding: The Great Hall
Mr Exploding: The Great Hall
Mr Exploding: The fireplace in The Great Hall
Mr Exploding: Mr Filch
Mr Exploding: The Usual Suspects
Mr Exploding: The Sorting Hat
Mr Exploding: Wigs, beards, moustaches and Timothy Spall's head
Mr Exploding: This way to Dumbledore
Mr Exploding: This way to Dumbledore
Mr Exploding: This way to Dumbledore
Mr Exploding: Plastic Chicken props
Mr Exploding: Dumbledore's Office
Mr Exploding: Potions Class
Mr Exploding: In Hagrid's Hut
Mr Exploding: The Chamber Door
Mr Exploding: "Wouldn't even bother to tell you what's in there, wouldn't believe me if I did.."
Mr Exploding: Making Broomsticks fly
Mr Exploding: The Burrow
Mr Exploding: The Goblet of Fire
Mr Exploding: Quidditch
Mr Exploding: Death Eater masks
Mr Exploding: Ministry of Magic
Mr Exploding: Ministry of Magic
Mr Exploding: Magic is Might