priour.gaetan: Fresh powder
priour.gaetan: Strong winds at Mount Washington
priour.gaetan: Deep snow
priour.gaetan: Mont Washington, Vancouver Island
priour.gaetan: View of the road to Mount Washington
priour.gaetan: Trees snow and blue sky
priour.gaetan: Mount Washington
priour.gaetan: Sea view from the mountains
priour.gaetan: Skying down
priour.gaetan: IMG_7519_lr.jpg
priour.gaetan: Snowboard jump
priour.gaetan: IMG_7514_lr.jpg
priour.gaetan: Waiting for someone to jump
priour.gaetan: Above it all
priour.gaetan: In the air
priour.gaetan: Top of the hill
priour.gaetan: Little hut
priour.gaetan: Taken from the Overland Trail, near Whitehorse
priour.gaetan: Overland Trail
priour.gaetan: Wood shelter, unfinished
priour.gaetan: Early morning near the Overland Trail
priour.gaetan: Sun waking up on the Overland Trail
priour.gaetan: River crossing by Whitehorse
priour.gaetan: From the plane, leaving Whitehorse