noel upfield _ on and off at times: Never expected to find lichen growing in the semi-desert
noel upfield _ on and off at times: In the morning, when we rise...
noel upfield _ on and off at times: Mexican Gold Poppy (Eschscholtzia mexicana)
noel upfield _ on and off at times: Juniper Titmouse (Baeolophus ridgwayi)
noel upfield _ on and off at times: Best light in the noon-day desert
noel upfield _ on and off at times: Carved by water and wind
noel upfield _ on and off at times: Demonstarting my super-power!
noel upfield _ on and off at times: Even down here the light is fantastic
noel upfield _ on and off at times: Sunrise, Wahweap Outlook-AZ
noel upfield _ on and off at times: Leaving Dodge... well Page AZ anyway.
noel upfield _ on and off at times: Sing a song of cactus
noel upfield _ on and off at times: You can run, but ya can't hide