pixip53: Day 251 - First shot of New York
pixip53: Macy's window cleaning day
pixip53: Just in case you couldn't figure it out
pixip53: One way to stand out
pixip53: Bryant Park
pixip53: I wish British parks were like this...
pixip53: Bryant Park
pixip53: Bryant Park
pixip53: American Radiator building
pixip53: This is how you rock it in the park
pixip53: Old fashioned Merry go round
pixip53: A little battered but still gorgeous
pixip53: Grill bar in Bryant Park
pixip53: New York Public Library
pixip53: Guardians of the library
pixip53: NY Public Library
pixip53: Day 261 - Gothic windows
pixip53: Fantastic Quote
pixip53: Gothic Lighting
pixip53: Mack truck
pixip53: History
pixip53: Day 267 - Couldn't resist
pixip53: Red carpet just for moi!
pixip53: Slightly odd fountain
pixip53: Rockefeller Plaza
pixip53: 1000's of little lego men
pixip53: Top of the Rock entrance
pixip53: Radio CIty
pixip53: Radio City
pixip53: Radio City art