SnapFink: Heading Out
SnapFink: Cave Dale & Peveril Castle
SnapFink: Towards Mam Tor
SnapFink: Derwent Damn ...those trees are in the way
SnapFink: The Salt Cellar
SnapFink: Glow (on an otherwise dull day)
SnapFink: Kinder Plateau from Derwent Edge
SnapFink: Bracken & Trees_B
SnapFink: Toward Higger Tor_B
SnapFink: Ashopton Viaduct Triptych
SnapFink: Higger Tor
SnapFink: Uplander
SnapFink: Ashopton Viaduct #1
SnapFink: Staffordshire Moorlands View
SnapFink: Padley Gorge