Michael J. Tuttle: Michael RH Tuttle with grandpa and new brother Christopher, Apri
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael RH Tuttle at birth, home in Chevy Chase, MD
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael RH Tuttle in the rocker on the back porcj, November 1990
Michael J. Tuttle: Sailing on the Severn River, First time out on Rum Runner
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael RH Tuttle, almost 1 year old
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael at 2 years old
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael RH Tuttle turning 3, August 1993
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael with mother and brother Chris at NC beach, June 1997
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael at Disney in October 1997
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael and second cousin Tomas, May 1997
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael with Kate and Maggie in Barre Ma, August 1999
Michael J. Tuttle: Three Tuttle Cousin, August 1999
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael at camp wauwinet, August 1998
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael RH Tuttle November 1998, on the campaign trail
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael RH Tuttle in barre with Gramma Tuttle and father
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael and Uncle David at the Massacusetts statehouse, January
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael RH Tuttle
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael T and Michael B, Tubing in December 1998
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael RH Tuttle at Barre 225th parade in 1999
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael and Michael on pond for a little spin
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael RH Tuttle 6th grade class picture
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael and brother Chris, August 2000
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael RH Tuttle
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael's 12th birthday party in Barre, MA
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael at 85 birthday party for Gramma Tuttle
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael, Christopher and Sidney, April 2003
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael and Grampa, August 2003
Michael J. Tuttle: Michael and BBC crew, freshman year, June 2005