liberalmind1012: Mayfest at lunch
liberalmind1012: Mayfest at lunch
liberalmind1012: Mayfest at lunch
liberalmind1012: P5200010
liberalmind1012: 4th Street west to Boston
liberalmind1012: Bike parking
liberalmind1012: BOK Tower
liberalmind1012: Williams Green
liberalmind1012: view of Main south from 3rd Street
liberalmind1012: Sarah Sartain's "Fish"
liberalmind1012: Patricia Emmett "Positano"
liberalmind1012: art with car tags
liberalmind1012: Tulsa reflections
liberalmind1012: P5200043
liberalmind1012: P5200044
liberalmind1012: great moth photo
liberalmind1012: great moth photo
liberalmind1012: Cynthia Brown "Two-Faced Kitty"
liberalmind1012: Cynthia Brown "Two-Faced Kitty"
liberalmind1012: Cynthia Brown "Two-Faced Kitty" clay medium
liberalmind1012: Cynthia Brown "Yellow Cat" clay medium
liberalmind1012: Wood and acrylic
liberalmind1012: Wood and acrylic
liberalmind1012: Cindy Williams "Dark Side of My Eclipse" clay medium
liberalmind1012: judge's best of show
liberalmind1012: judge's best of show
liberalmind1012: Cement sculpture
liberalmind1012: Mary Jane Porter "Rubbermaids Tryptych"
liberalmind1012: Sarah Sartain's Mayfest poster