gidsey_: Sint-Salvator Cathedral
gidsey_: Sint-Salvator Cathedral
gidsey_: Carillon Mechanism - The Belfry, Brugge
gidsey_: Carillon Mechanism - The Belfry, Brugge
gidsey_: Concertgebouw Brugge
gidsey_: Gun Powder Tower
gidsey_: Brugge
gidsey_: Bolero
gidsey_: Bruges / Brugge
gidsey_: Zwitsersche Horlociemakerij
gidsey_: Burg
gidsey_: Bicycle
gidsey_: Vismarkt
gidsey_: 1648
gidsey_: Tower
gidsey_: Sint-Salvator Cathedral
gidsey_: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
gidsey_: Mobiel XL
gidsey_: Crucifixion scene
gidsey_: Canine Railings
gidsey_: Canine Railings
gidsey_: Statue of Frank Van Acker
gidsey_: Statue of Frank Van Acker
gidsey_: Wooden carving detail
gidsey_: Beer tops
gidsey_: Dusty beer bottles
gidsey_: Flip tops
gidsey_: Wooden crates
gidsey_: Crate
gidsey_: Dragon seat