Pixelda: Branching Out
Pixelda: First Autumn Mists
Pixelda: Waterside Reflections
Pixelda: Rock - Bracken - Fern
Pixelda: Expressive Tree
Pixelda: Bracken and Tree
Pixelda: Tree Reflections
Pixelda: Pond Lily
Pixelda: Leaning Tree Reflection
Pixelda: What a lovely pear - Fp4+
Pixelda: Catmint - Fp4+
Pixelda: Grave Flare Up- Fp4+
Pixelda: Fence of Darkness - Fp4+
Pixelda: Bale - Fp4+
Pixelda: Grave Grass - Fp4+
Pixelda: Double Doors 1 - Acros II
Pixelda: Felled by the Storm - Acros II
Pixelda: Bolton Castle - Acros II
Pixelda: Storm Cleave - Acros II
Pixelda: Stumped by Ivy - Acros II
Pixelda: Ivy and Brambles - Acros II
Pixelda: Ivy and Brambles 100 percent crop - Acros II
Pixelda: Standard Bronica 6x6 landscape setup. Scans are about 50 MPixel but obviously different to digital. Will make my own scan holder for better results from card painted black
Pixelda: Well - IR - Rollei 400IR
Pixelda: Trees IR - Rollei 400IR
Pixelda: Kirklington IR - Rollei 400IR
Pixelda: Snape Infra Red - Rollei 400IR
Pixelda: If the lens fits...
Pixelda: Looks old fashioned
Pixelda: Three Phase Supply - Fuji 400H