Pixelda: A trip out
Pixelda: A bit of a twister
Pixelda: The Balloon Seller
Pixelda: Weser - Hameln
Pixelda: Grey day at Steinhude
Pixelda: Fountain
Pixelda: Green for Go (with caution)
Pixelda: Car Park
Pixelda: Up or Down
Pixelda: Hannover
Pixelda: A bit of a twister 2
Pixelda: Hannover Centre
Pixelda: A little German formality
Pixelda: Angular Momentum
Pixelda: Hannover Rathause
Pixelda: And then the meeting adjourned
Pixelda: Bargain Hunter
Pixelda: Tapping the ivories
Pixelda: Fifty percent horse - One hundred percent Baron Munchausen
Pixelda: Back home, feet up, catted
Pixelda: And again
Pixelda: Rathause -iPhone
Pixelda: Architecture -iPhone
Pixelda: More refreshments
Pixelda: Herrenhausen gardens
Pixelda: No great masterpieces of photography yet
Pixelda: Fart school?
Pixelda: The mushrooms on toast...
Pixelda: Mine, all mine
Pixelda: Need help. Unable to eat all of breakfast