Shubert Media: The sign read 2772 when I lived there
Shubert Media: Ah, main street
Shubert Media: Park Rapids mainstreet_wide
Shubert Media: Now that is a landmark
Shubert Media: P1010530
Shubert Media: Summer means candy stores are open
Shubert Media: P1010532
Shubert Media: P1010524
Shubert Media: Aunt Bells candy store, Park Rapids MN.
Shubert Media: P1010525
Shubert Media: P1010526
Shubert Media: Candy Jar of rocks.
Shubert Media: P1010528
Shubert Media: Are they, can anyone confirm this as true?
Shubert Media: Outside Royal Bar
Shubert Media: P1010533
Shubert Media: P1010516
Shubert Media: P1010517
Shubert Media: P1010518
Shubert Media: P1010611
Shubert Media: antique_heaven
Shubert Media: Christmas decorations in a junk shop, treasures for sure
Shubert Media: P1010498
Shubert Media: littleredbridge
Shubert Media: P1010507
Shubert Media: P1010512
Shubert Media: P1010535
Shubert Media: P1010539
Shubert Media: P1010544