pixel_bunny: Look up!
pixel_bunny: Look up there!
pixel_bunny: I can't reach!
pixel_bunny: I spy with my little eye...
pixel_bunny: Look up... in the fall
pixel_bunny: Purple Bell-shaped Flowers
pixel_bunny: Testing out the crab apple tree's blossoms
pixel_bunny: Sipping nectar
pixel_bunny: Nectar Tasting
pixel_bunny: Crab Apple Tree Blossoms
pixel_bunny: Crab Apple Tree Blossoms
pixel_bunny: Better than dandelions
pixel_bunny: Feed Daddy!
pixel_bunny: Mmm ribs...
pixel_bunny: First attempt at Guitar Hero
pixel_bunny: Not quite food coma-ish
pixel_bunny: Rings of Shrimp
pixel_bunny: Yes, we ate all of it
pixel_bunny: Double Happiness
pixel_bunny: Mom and Dad
pixel_bunny: Sister and Brother
pixel_bunny: Girls' Shot
pixel_bunny: Parents' Shot
pixel_bunny: Happy Family
pixel_bunny: Kid #2 on the way!
pixel_bunny: Being silly
pixel_bunny: "When are these pictures going to end, dammit?!"
pixel_bunny: Three Generations
pixel_bunny: "Studio" Setup
pixel_bunny: Happy New Year!