PixCrazy: Entrance to Singapore Art Museum (SAM)
PixCrazy: Skyline
PixCrazy: Engraving by Gerard Audran: The Dome of Valde Grace Holy Trinity & The Principal Mysteries
PixCrazy: Bridal Tray
PixCrazy: Bridal Tray close-up
PixCrazy: Red Chandeliers2
PixCrazy: Red Chandeliers1
PixCrazy: Spiral Staircase1
PixCrazy: Spiral 2
PixCrazy: design motif
PixCrazy: design _museum
PixCrazy: museum entrance
PixCrazy: before entering into the gallery - Greek Masterpieces exhibition at the National Museum Singapore
PixCrazy: Entrance of the Exhibition
PixCrazy: Aphrodite Anadyomene (2nd - 1st Century BCE)
PixCrazy: Aphrodite uncovering her breasts (2nd Century BCE)
PixCrazy: Window display
PixCrazy: Head of Aphrodite "Hera Borghese" (2nd Century CE)
PixCrazy: Leaning Aphrodite "Aphrodite of the Gardens" (1st Century CE?)
PixCrazy: Aphrodite
PixCrazy: Epinetron with a female protome (c.510-480BCE)
PixCrazy: Figurine mould of a draped female (late 4th Century BCE)
PixCrazy: Funerary Stele of Sosinous (c 410-400 BCE)
PixCrazy: Funerary Stele of a Bedmaker (2nd or 3rd Century)
PixCrazy: Ephedrismos (c 300 BCE)
PixCrazy: DSC_4640
PixCrazy: Toys
PixCrazy: Head of an athlete crowning himself known as "The Diadumenus"
PixCrazy: Euripides
PixCrazy: Double portrait of Aristophanes & Sophocles c 130CE)