pixagen: Nat decided he was going to be nice
pixagen: IMG_0219
pixagen: this camera is kind of awesome
pixagen: visuals
pixagen: man you got a giant bug behind you!
pixagen: I didn't know you could get modern sacrifical altars
pixagen: Phoenix Landing
pixagen: he's a switcher
pixagen: you're blowin my mind!
pixagen: Nat silently judging the beats
pixagen: these are not the ravers you're looking for
pixagen: LOOKIN GOOD
pixagen: awesome shirt
pixagen: ah yes, this is when everything went plaid
pixagen: no more visuals :(
pixagen: disco!?
pixagen: it's bright inside bars at night
pixagen: dog it is sick as hell to chug a Guinness in the shower on your birthday
pixagen: my roomate and his girlfriend are awesome