Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Blackthorn Prunus spinosa IMG_20230405_143750
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Cleared bramble Bush IMG_20230405_144359
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Marsh Marigold Caltha palustris IMG_20230405_145253
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: The lorry tyre almost looks part of the scenery. An interesting bit of habitat. IMG_20230405_145339
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Cuckoo Flower Lady's Smock (Cardamine pratensis) IMG_20230405_144533
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: A lot of "rooting about" . Badgers? Deer? IMG_20230405_151730
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Lesser Celandine Ficaria verna IMG_20230405_143940