Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Tufted Ducks P4030489
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Canada Geese P4030493
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Black-headed Gulls and Shoveller P4030505
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Black-headed Gulls and Shoveller P4030506
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Coot & Mallard P4030518
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Arum Italicum P4030519
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Arum Italicum P4030520
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Blackthorn blossom P4030521
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Blackthorn blossom P4030522
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: A posse of Tufted Ducks. P4030525
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Two Gadwalls IR P4030527
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Two Gadwalls P4030528
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Two wet Gadwalls and two dry male Mallards P4030531
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: a smart Grey Wagtail. P4030537
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: a smart Grey Wagtail. P4030538