Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Friendly welcome, good coffee P1300923
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Salcey Forest P1300924
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Honeysuckle P1300927
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: The Piddington Oak P1300941
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Voles looking for Wood Whites P1300942
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: The Piddington Oak P1300944
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: "FALSE WOODLOUSE-FLY" "Eggisops pecchiolii" FB P1300946
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: "FALSE WOODLOUSE-FLY" P1300947
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: "FALSE WOODLOUSE-FLY" P1300948
Pitzy's Pyx, keep snapping away!.: Chrysopilus cristatus IR FB P1300950