Pitprops: Thistle
Pitprops: Daffodil
Pitprops: Daffodil
Pitprops: 20170405_114120
Pitprops: 20170405_155253
Pitprops: 20170406_100645
Pitprops: 20170406_100650
Pitprops: Dragon drachen!
Pitprops: Very artistic
Pitprops: 20170406_113026
Pitprops: 20170406_115919
Pitprops: Friday afternoon - awaiting the invasion
Pitprops: Gentlemen prefer Blonde!
Pitprops: Where have all the people gone?
Pitprops: Becalmed
Pitprops: 20170407_111244
Pitprops: 20170407_111247
Pitprops: My new kite
Pitprops: Mega Ray
Pitprops: Ray sunshade
Pitprops: 20170407_160810
Pitprops: Bunnies
Pitprops: Sunset of white flotails
Pitprops: 20170408_095451
Pitprops: One of my Della Portas
Pitprops: Mega Ray
Pitprops: The French way
Pitprops: 20170409_100202
Pitprops: Bunnies in the sun
Pitprops: Roses are red, but Leffe is ruby!