nikkorsnapper: "I would never get married with someone that loves me, ever, no, no."
nikkorsnapper: au cinéma 6
nikkorsnapper: au cinéma 5
nikkorsnapper: au cinéma 4
nikkorsnapper: au cinéma 3
nikkorsnapper: au cinéma 2
nikkorsnapper: au cinéma 1
nikkorsnapper: "Art is what cannot be done again."
nikkorsnapper: "in fact we believe in nothing; instead we know."
nikkorsnapper: So long, Charlie Watts
nikkorsnapper: 3 People
nikkorsnapper: "Lonesome Friends Of Science"
nikkorsnapper: "Our shadows move but never us. I dream of horses."
nikkorsnapper: eggcorn, mondegreen, spoonerism
nikkorsnapper: Henry Moore, Reclining Figure.
nikkorsnapper: "It no longer seems like it's just something in your head, it feels like it's an object in the object world."
nikkorsnapper: Wayne
nikkorsnapper: Rumors of War
nikkorsnapper: Einstein & Freud & Jack
nikkorsnapper: "If idiots could fly, the sky would be like an airport."
nikkorsnapper: "You are unique—just like everyone else."
nikkorsnapper: "Her brain is an attic where things were stored over the years. From time to time her face appears in the little windows near the top of the house."
nikkorsnapper: "No child being told to calm down ever calmed down."
nikkorsnapper: Marjorie Jones sings in front of Brian Johnson (drums) and Juan Nelson (bass) at the Best Café at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, April 4. 2019. Debo Dabney on keyboard is out of frame, camera left.
nikkorsnapper: Some of the audience at a VMFA music performance
nikkorsnapper: Amuse Restaurant