nikkorsnapper: "There has been a flurry of small souls flitting from birdbeeder to feeder this late summer evening."
nikkorsnapper: "Harriet Vane sat at her writing-table and stared out into Mecklenburg Square."
nikkorsnapper: Ulysses, by James Joyce
nikkorsnapper: Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose.
nikkorsnapper: Mark Helprin, A Soldier of the Great War
nikkorsnapper: Thomas A. Harris, I'm OK—You're OK
nikkorsnapper: "There really is no such thing as Art."
nikkorsnapper: "The modern world began on 29 May 1919...."
nikkorsnapper: André Gide, La porte étroite/Strait is the Gate
nikkorsnapper: "Things occupy space—but how many of them there are (or could be) belongs to time, as we tick them off to a walking rhythm that projects ongoing numbering into the future."
nikkorsnapper: Richard Rhodes, "The Making of the Atomic Bomb."
nikkorsnapper: Harold Bloom, "The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages."
nikkorsnapper: José de Escandón, father of the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley
nikkorsnapper: David Revill, "The Roaring Silence—John Cage: A Life"
nikkorsnapper: Alan Lightman, "Einstein's Dreams."
nikkorsnapper: Frederick Merk, "History of the Westward Movement."
nikkorsnapper: "I very early understood that the universe is divided between two esthetics: French and German."
nikkorsnapper: "Monday, January 13th, 1986. Victor Wilcox lies awake, in the dark bedroom, waiting for his quartz alarm clock to bleep."
nikkorsnapper: Isaac Bashevis Singer, "Enemies, A Love Story"
nikkorsnapper: Isaac Bashevis Singer, "The Manor"
nikkorsnapper: A.S. Byatt, "Possession"
nikkorsnapper: "A Friend of Kafka" by Isaac Bashevis Singer, in "A Friend of Kafka and Other Stories"
nikkorsnapper: "I was brought up on three dead languages...."
nikkorsnapper: Time present and time past
nikkorsnapper: "Je naquis le 22 novembre 1869. Mes parents occupaient alors, rue de Médicis, un appartement au quatrième ou cinquième etage."
nikkorsnapper: "The first time that Christa Malone heard the name of Innokenti Isayevich Falin, it was spoken by the President of the United States, John F. Kennedy."
nikkorsnapper: "Was it really all just about words?"
nikkorsnapper: "The world has been Googled."