tim.peck: The G Dubya
tim.peck: Are we STILL in NJ?
tim.peck: Sillyface
tim.peck: Focused on the road ahead
tim.peck: Lunch of champions
tim.peck: Tour accomadations
tim.peck: Summer home
tim.peck: Breakfast
tim.peck: Da king
tim.peck: Accomidations
tim.peck: Milking the goats
tim.peck: Coffee!
tim.peck: A diva who appreciates other arts
tim.peck: It's go time
tim.peck: Lunch!
tim.peck: Backyard creek
tim.peck: Time for bedie bye, tomorrow is the day of the show y'alll!!!
tim.peck: Good food, good friends
tim.peck: Lights!
tim.peck: Pre game
tim.peck: We made it!
tim.peck: OMG, we actually made!!!! I thought we'd never arrive!!!!
tim.peck: PLEASE!!!
tim.peck: GET ME OUT OF THE CAR!!!!!
tim.peck: Leaving the 212 :(
tim.peck: What do you mean it's broken?!