PiratePixels: Enroute to Dachau
PiratePixels: Arbeit macht frei
PiratePixels: We stood on the grounds in summer. Winter would be unbearable on the lands with little worn, and nothing in the stomach.
PiratePixels: IMG_8475
PiratePixels: IMG_8477
PiratePixels: IMG_8478
PiratePixels: IMG_8479
PiratePixels: IMG_8480
PiratePixels: IMG_8481
PiratePixels: IMG_8482
PiratePixels: IMG_8483
PiratePixels: IMG_8484
PiratePixels: They prisoners used to cramp here. A place maybe meant for 50 then cramped 2,000. One could only imagine the living conditions.
PiratePixels: Barrack
PiratePixels: Dachau tour guide
PiratePixels: Memorial
PiratePixels: IMG_8489
PiratePixels: IMG_8490
PiratePixels: IMG_8491
PiratePixels: Previously these were barracks housing the inmates.
PiratePixels: IMG_8494
PiratePixels: IMG_8495
PiratePixels: Some would jump across to escape, and eventually died.
PiratePixels: Tower right at the end
PiratePixels: Dachau Barbed Wires
PiratePixels: IMG_8501
PiratePixels: Gas chambers
PiratePixels: Gas Chambers at Dachau had the word "Brausebad" (Shower Bath) written above the door in order to fool the victims.
PiratePixels: Gas chambers. Death.