Piratejenny: Whoosh...
Piratejenny: Firey flaming flames of firey fire
Piratejenny: Michele and girl on stilts
Piratejenny: Hey! What!
Piratejenny: Boardwalk dancing
Piratejenny: Jason, Joe and squiggles of light
Piratejenny: Hoop hoop!
Piratejenny: The subway ride there is always the best part
Piratejenny: Phoenixes..phoenices? Phoenipodes? adorned the F train
Piratejenny: Ilovebrooklynilovebrooklynilovebrooklyn
Piratejenny: Samantha pantha!
Piratejenny: The beginning of the evening...
Piratejenny: Sousaphone, motherfucker.