Piratejenny: Backyard (Mathias drumming on Pork Sausage tin in the foreground)
Piratejenny: Luminescent in the kitchen
Piratejenny: I swear, this band has so much hair...
Piratejenny: Michele singing the St John's Place theme song -- Mon Amant de Saint-Jean
Piratejenny: Slow down, Genevieve!
Piratejenny: Nina with singing saw
Piratejenny: I have no recollection of this moment at all
Piratejenny: Ice massage
Piratejenny: Deborah and her paintings
Piratejenny: Matt looking at Deborah's torso
Piratejenny: This one's for Parrish
Piratejenny: Greg, Michele, eensey widdle ukelele
Piratejenny: She will flay you like a hare
Piratejenny: Michele I have your musical avocado!
Piratejenny: The cool breezes from an accordion are just what you need in this heat
Piratejenny: Billy's hat is the best hat nobody has a better hat
Piratejenny: Tania and Billy whirl
Piratejenny: Debz silhouette
Piratejenny: Tim and Anthony silhouette
Piratejenny: Peppers and mushrooms and corn
Piratejenny: Mamie Billy Isabel
Piratejenny: Summer
Piratejenny: Alicia Jo nearly disappearing in fiddle bliss (with tiki torch!)
Piratejenny: Sxip's head is on fire.
Piratejenny: She doesn't know that her bass is propped on my last surviving lily.