PipThePony: Kinder, gentler grafitti
PipThePony: Mixed signals
PipThePony: Somewhere in Philly
PipThePony: In Northern Liberties, Philadelphia
PipThePony: Vintage motel sign - Route 66
PipThePony: Another Route 66 motel sign
PipThePony: Yet another Route 66 motel sign
PipThePony: Who knew?
PipThePony: Haircut
PipThePony: San Ildefonso Pueblo
PipThePony: Albuquerque
PipThePony: Albuquerque
PipThePony: Scottish flag
PipThePony: There could be elk ahead
PipThePony: Welcome to Assad's Syria
PipThePony: Xenophilia
PipThePony: Political graffiti
PipThePony: Viva la causa
PipThePony: Graffiti
PipThePony: The Happy Jungle Cement Company
PipThePony: Watch for camels
PipThePony: Road sign
PipThePony: Road sign
PipThePony: Plenty of room to park
PipThePony: Beware of sheep stealers!
PipThePony: Happy face
PipThePony: Philadelphia mural
PipThePony: Amman PR slogan
PipThePony: Peaceful grafitti