Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Backyard birds
Sara Jeal Photos:
Young African Swallows
Sara Jeal Photos:
African Swallow parent
Sara Jeal Photos:
Young African Swallows, just fledged
Sara Jeal Photos:
Parent swoops in to feed young
Sara Jeal Photos:
Young African Swallow & House Martin in flight
Sara Jeal Photos:
Where's my dinner?
Sara Jeal Photos:
Shall i take flight?
Sara Jeal Photos:
Here it comes!
Sara Jeal Photos:
Mum! Mum! Down here!!
Sara Jeal Photos:
Gulp! Yum!
Sara Jeal Photos:
If only I could fly and eat at the same time!
Sara Jeal Photos:
Sara Jeal Photos:
Thrush (Song Thrush?)