David_Phillips: Moon lit night
David_Phillips: Veterans Point Memorial at night
David_Phillips: Big Tree at night
David_Phillips: Eerie lights in the hollow
David_Phillips: Sunlight in the North
David_Phillips: Other side of the storm
David_Phillips: First try at lightning pics
David_Phillips: Lightning strikes twice
David_Phillips: lights of a ghost ship
David_Phillips: Lights out now lit
David_Phillips: Red and Whites of the night
David_Phillips: Red and Whites of the night
David_Phillips: Ghost Ships coming home
David_Phillips: Ellipse Towers
David_Phillips: Something to Spire to
David_Phillips: Something to Spire to
David_Phillips: Night at the Harbour 2
David_Phillips: Night at the Harbour 1
David_Phillips: Night at the Harbour
David_Phillips: Gazeebo on the lake
David_Phillips: Lights of the night
David_Phillips: When trains stand still
David_Phillips: Pickering & Ajax at night
David_Phillips: Markam Road Train Yard
David_Phillips: Wind power at night
David_Phillips: Frenchmans Bay Marina
David_Phillips: Nuclear and the Moon
David_Phillips: Lyndeshores Walkway at night
David_Phillips: Blue Heron and friends at night
David_Phillips: Crane burning the midnight oil